Thursday, August 21, 2008

They grow up so fast!

My son Jake started kindergarten on Monday. It's taken all week for me to adjust to our new routine. I would have preferred the afternoon schedule, but the teacher we wanted was in the I will just have to get into bed earlier! Jake is doing great and loves school. Today he "let" me leave right away after 3 hugs and kisses............
Here's my little man on the first day!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Details, Details, Details!

What wedding photographer doesn't love photographing details on the wedding day!!?? The dress, the flowers, the ring.............and oh yes, the shoes!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lauren and Nic

Here's a few from Lauren and Nic's wedding! They were married at Bridges Golf Club in San Ramon. It was really amazing and somewhat surreal to photograph their wedding, because I've known Lauren since she was 5 years old. Needless to say, I was really excited when they hired me to capture their special day!